H&D Connecting Otherwise Summer Talk part 2 with Liminal Vision-Sonzai Zone

Recording of the second event of H&D Public Program of the Summer Academy Connecting Otherwise, with a film screening and presentation with Liminal Vision.

Liminal Vision is screening Sonzai Zone. Liminal Vision is a creative collaboration between designer filmmaker Emilia Tapprest (NVISIBLE.STUDIO) and cultural historian Victor Evink (S x m b r a). Grounded in the research field on ‘affect’ and its use through datafication, their work explores the role of value paradigms in emerging technocultural developments through worldbuilding, material artifacts and mixed media. Their research practice advances through different self-standing projects and takes various forms, from cinematic fiction shorts to immersive installations and academic articles.

For more info click here.

Radio Echo was commissioned to document H&D Summer Academy with radio and photography.

About Hackers & Designers

Hackers & Designers is a non-profit workshop initiative organizing activities at the intersection of technology, design and art. By creating shared moments of hands-on learning H&D stimulates collaboration across disciplines, technological literacy, and different levels of expertise.